Individual Therapy

It’s Your Time

You are smart. You have figured out so many things on your own. Now, faced with burnout, emotional exhaustion and other challenges, you are too overwhelmed to figure it out. You may think you should be able to fix this like you have fixed other problems before. But somehow you also know that this time is different. You feel stuck and unable to move forward alone. Reaching out for help does not mean you have failed. It is a brave action. It is a gift to yourself. Therapy is your time to focus on your goals and growth. Therapy is a place where you can receive validation, encouragement, direction, clarity and non-judgmental support. We will work together to create a plan that is unique to you and your situation. Here are the services that I offer for Individual Therapy.

Customized Treatment Plan:

“I need a plan that is specific to my life and current situation.”

While everyone is unique, you may have a life that is more complicated than others. The typical treatment plan may not fit your needs. We will work together to identify your goals and the best path to getting there. Here are some common topics that may help guide our work: 

  • Family Issues
  • Relationship Issues
  • Breakup Recovery for Individuals
  • Taking Care of Aging Parents
  • Parenting Stress and Struggles
  • Work-related Stress
  • General dissatisfaction/feeling empty
  • Something not listed

Recovery of Inner Child:

“I am the adult child of parents who were unable to be healthy parents to me.”

As a kid, many of my clients took on adult responsibilities at a young age. Many of them didn’t have consistent, reliable adults to take care of them. Many of my clients experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences that interfered with their development. As adults they struggle with trust, self-esteem, emotional connections. Even though they have accomplished a lot, they struggle with feeling worthy, that they are enough. You may envy those who were able to “just be a kid.” Even though you are now an adult, it is not too late to connect with the child in you. Our inner child is symbolic of our emotional center which holds pain, but it also holds joy. You can become that loving, nurturing, protective parent for yourself. Here are some common topics that may guide our work:
  • Childhood trauma healing 
  • Reparenting Self 
  • Self-compassion 
  • Releasing sadness and unlocking joy 

Problematic Alcohol Use 

“I think I might have a drinking problem.” 

You are questioning your relationship with alcohol. Maybe you have clear evidence that you have a drinking problem, but you are not ready to quit completely. We will assess your history and current relationship with alcohol. This assessment and your readiness for change will inform your options and our plan. When it comes to problematic alcohol use, my approach is to provide support, direct feedback and accountability from a place of genuine compassion and concern. I respect where you are and will challenge you to help you get to where you want to be. And if we decide that a higher level of care is in order, I will help facilitate that process. Here are the services offered:
  • Am I an Alcoholic?-Assessing your relationship with alcohol 
  • Abstinence-based approach 
  • Harm-reduction approach 
  • Referral to higher level of care 

Grief Counseling 

“I am struggling to move forward after a death.”

Death sucks. Whether it is the death of a loved one (including pets), the death of a relationship or any type of loss. Walking through the profound sadness and complex feelings of grief can be overwhelming and too much to do alone. People in our lives are often well meaning, but ill-equipped to help us process grief. I will hold space for you to process the pain. I will also help you discover a renewed interest in life while holding onto the memories in a new way. Here are some common themes:

  • Accepting the reality of the loss
  • Processing the pain
  • Adjusting to the ‘new normal’
  • Moving forward and finding a renewed interest in life
  • Addressing Complicated Grief (Traumatic loss)
  • Addressing Anticipatory Grief (Grieving before the loss)