A day in the life…
My clients struggle like you do. Despite being smart, talented, hardworking and high achieving, life is hard.
My typical client comes to therapy exhausted. She wakes up in the morning tired due to poor sleep. She starts her day which will be nonstop doing for others. The morning is a whirlwind of getting kids ready for school, getting herself ready for work and fielding requests from a husband that can’t seem to feed himself or find things in plain sight.
After the morning flurry, she goes to work where much is demanded from her. She works twice as hard as her mediocre colleagues who seem to receive more praise and more money. She represses her reactions and responses to microaggressions to avoid being labeled as angry or aggressive. She code switches, plays the game and doesn’t feel safe being herself all day long. She knows how to live in two worlds, she knows how to be the only one in the room. While she can do it, it can be soul sucking.
After work, she comes home to a mess. Her home is not a reflection of who she is or what she wants. She is too tired to deal with it and feels increasingly resentful that no one else will. She also comes home to people who need food, attention, answers, direction and love. It feels like her second job. Weekends are spent juggling children and taking care of aging parents (a third job).
She is too tired to eat well, exercise or take care of herself. She is drowning in the words “but I have to.” She goes to sleep with racing thoughts about all the regrets of the day. She finally falls asleep, but sleep won’t be restful, and she will wake up and do it all over again.
I get it. I’ve been there and I know the way out.
I help women who are wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, bosses. I specialize in working with women who are high achieving, perfectionists. They are also burned out, overburdened and unsure of themselves despite their accomplishments. They want to breakdown, quit, fall apart, but there’s no time for that, there’s too much to do. If that describes you, I applaud you for considering getting help. I have been there, and I get it on a level only achieved by living it. You don’t have to suffer alone anymore.
My typical client learns to really love herself. This self-love leads to self-protection. She learns to set boundaries. She learns how to say “no” to others and “yes” to herself. She practices self-care. She learns how to get good, restorative sleep. She learns how to ask for and get help from others. She learns how to embrace her accomplishments instead of focusing on her perceived “failures.” She learns how to release painful emotions. She feels in control. She feels joy. She feels free.
I can help you get there.
I am a Minnesota-based, licensed psychologist with over 20 years of experience helping people create the life they want to live. My PhD provides me with book knowledge. 20 years working as a mental health provider has given me experience working in a variety of settings with a wide range of people. My maturity has blessed me with a certain amount of wisdom that is earned by years of living life. People say that working with me is like spending time with a funny, blunt family member who is skilled, wise and a creative problem solver.
Instilling hope and teaching women how to love themselves are the foundation of what I do.

Is this you? I can help.
I am Minnesota-based and also licensed to provide Telehealth in the following states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming